Calvary Christian School tuition is paid monthly, due on the first of each month. Payments can be made online or by using a payment envelope and are deposited into a secure mailbox, both of which are located outside of the office. Payments may also be mailed or sent in with a responsible student. However, it is the parents' responsibility to ensure that the payment reaches Calvary Christian School by the first of each month.
2025 - 2026 School Year
Grades Kindergarten Through 8th Grade
Tuition: $5,900 annually
Tuition is due in check or money order form only, paid directly to the office.
This can be paid in 10 payments of $590.00 per month from September to June
12 installments of $492 each, from September - August
*Discounts offered (tuition only):
5% sibling discount
5% Calvary Full Gospel Church family discount
5% discount for parents actively serving in the military
5% discount for families with a parent(s) serving as a pastor(s)
20% discount for families with 3 or more children
20% is the maximum discount available
*There is no discount for prepaying the annual tuition*
This fee is payable upon acceptance into Calvary Christian School.
ANNUAL FEES: $445.00 per student
School Supply Fee: $40
Book & Material Fee: $400