preschool peace

Three to four year olds are blossoming before our eyes!  They are incredibly funny, and their language, physical, and social skills are always a delight!  This age group is still developing their cooperative play skills, no longer just playing near others, but now asking questions and problem solving with their playmates.  Dramatic play is so dramatic, and friendships are fickle.  They can share and take turns with help, and love to be silly!  They aim to be pleased and want to be noticed.  They are completely toilet trained now and are very good at washing their own hands and trying to dress themselves (those tricky buttons are still difficult!).  Their vocabulary is exploding and they love to hear stories - to hear themselves talk!

Activities in this room

Preschool is so busy!  Joyful noise fills the room throughout the day.  Our learning program is designed around the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards, which are integrated into learning centers, circle times and transitions/routines.  Learning centers have 9 areas to choose from and are done twice per day!  Preschool's management system encourages the children to problem solve as they see that only 3 children can play in each area.  Circle times are more involved than last year, incorporating hands on activities, stories, action songs, dictation of children's words and show and tell.  During the year, they are exposed to a letter each week in a hands-on manner and are given the opportunity to begin to recognize and form some letters and have opportunity to experiment with writing names.

Preschoolers love to express their love for Jesus!  They talk about Him, sing chapel songs, and are always lifting their little cares to Him.  They participate in our weekly chapel on Fridays at 9:15 a.m.

Preschoolers will be offered breakfast, two snacks, and lunch daily.  No additional food needs to be brought in.  The exception is Lunch Box Day.  On Lunch Box Days, your child will bring his/her own lunch.